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Old Aug 28, 2005, 11:32 AM // 11:32   #1
Krytan Explorer
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Default Hurricane coming! AHHHhhhh!!!!11!

So I live in New Orleans and crap and this super massive storm cell is like umm...headed for me They say if it still keeps turning which is supposed to happen it will be a catagory 5 when it hits and if its hits right it could be the one that would totally destroy the city

So if anyone is into errr i dunno, say witchcraft or indian weather prayers or what have you, say them

I still have yet to evacuated and probably should (and will most likely)
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 12:23 PM // 12:23   #2
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I would start boarding up your place and Go North!! This one looks like a nasty one. I remember Camille August 17-18 1969. One of the meanest hurracaines to hit the States. This one bearing down on you looks allot like that mean old Witch Camille.
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 01:04 PM // 13:04   #3
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My dad saw a twister last year at his golf club. It was 2 foot tall and spinning merrily in a bunker.
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 01:08 PM // 13:08   #4
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That was a Dust Devil Dear....
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 01:42 PM // 13:42   #5
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Oh sod off!!! It was a real live tornado. We do get them in britain now. 5 large ones were reported in the same month last year.

This year when I was driving to pick up my mate I looked at the sky. The clouds made my jaw drop. I hadn't seen anything LIKE it!
Now, I'm no meterologist, but the cloud wall was dead straight. It was like there was nothing underneath but cloud all above. And the pockets in it made it look like an egg box. I know enough about skys to realize this was tornado activity and sure enough when I rounded the corner, there was a funnel descended from the clouds. Was a small one (about an inch long if I measured it up close against my eye), and not strong enough to hit the ground.. but those clouds. My breath was totally taken away.

I never thought we'd see weather like that here. But our weather is changing dramatically, I don't know what it's up to but it's really odd.
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 03:09 PM // 15:09   #6
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Try living in "Tornado Alley" here in the states...well i guess I'm in the edge of it but we get plenty of them here in Iowa. Five years ago one went right over my house then we got to go outside and look at it, Awesome!

Best of luck to you, and everyone who is waiting for Katrina to show her face. Hope everything turns out as well as it can! My prayers are with you all.
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 03:58 PM // 15:58   #7
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I live in Biloxi, MS... I think we're going to get the worst of it, if it stays to the east of NO. Yeah, it looks a lot like Camille, Warrior.

My dad stayed here in 69 when it hit, he said it was the scariest thing he'd ever seen. I believe Camille was the strongest hurricane, intensity wise, to ever hit the continential US. In biloxi there's a boat called the SS Camille that got thrown down the highway after Camille hit.
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Old Aug 28, 2005, 04:01 PM // 16:01   #8
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I used to live in Colorado, and once a big twister hit and wruined my yard... but thats about it... it was pretty scary tho, cause some of the windows blew out, but my famiely and i were in the basement so everything was ok
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 07:09 AM // 07:09   #9
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With global warming and everything going on with the enviornment like the 4 or 5 hurricanes that hit flordia i wouldn't be suprised and there was even a small tornado that ripped the roof of a house in california so be prepaired for whats going on with nature its gonna bite us in the ass for what we have done to it.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 07:45 AM // 07:45   #10
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New Orleans looks like it's going to get torn a new asshole. And it really kinda makes me worry, I used to live right near there and still have some friends in the area. Best case scenario, crapload of flooding. Worst case scenario, New Orleans isn't a city anymore.

Nah, still though I hope it all turns out alright down there.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 07:55 AM // 07:55   #11
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I'm in Mobile, AL. About 2 hours west of NO. We are even supposed to get winds up to ~125mph plus rain and storm surge and tornadic activity.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 09:22 AM // 09:22   #12
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Good luck.. I live in florida and that thing looks HUGE. We got hit but not that badly... >_> good luck with the power outages..
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 09:36 AM // 09:36   #13
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Originally Posted by Mistress Eyahl
Oh sod off!!! It was a real live tornado. We do get them in britain now. 5 large ones were reported in the same month last year.

This year when I was driving to pick up my mate I looked at the sky. The clouds made my jaw drop. I hadn't seen anything LIKE it!
Now, I'm no meterologist, but the cloud wall was dead straight. It was like there was nothing underneath but cloud all above. And the pockets in it made it look like an egg box. I know enough about skys to realize this was tornado activity and sure enough when I rounded the corner, there was a funnel descended from the clouds. Was a small one (about an inch long if I measured it up close against my eye), and not strong enough to hit the ground.. but those clouds. My breath was totally taken away.

I never thought we'd see weather like that here. But our weather is changing dramatically, I don't know what it's up to but it's really odd.
its true, bristol ftw!
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 10:36 AM // 10:36   #14
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Hey if you get caught in the eye of the storm, grab a cow and some string. I need someone to test my theory that you can fly a moo cow like a kite... during a hurricane, none the less..
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 01:52 PM // 13:52   #15
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Originally Posted by Akilles
So I live in New Orleans and crap and this super massive storm cell is like umm...headed for me They say if it still keeps turning which is supposed to happen it will be a catagory 5 when it hits and if its hits right it could be the one that would totally destroy the city

So if anyone is into errr i dunno, say witchcraft or indian weather prayers or what have you, say them

I still have yet to evacuated and probably should (and will most likely)
Good luck!

Be safe and we'll hope to see you back soon!
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 04:16 PM // 16:16   #16
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The eye went directly over my mom and dad's house. They are safe with friends in Baton Rouge, but I haven't been able to call them because of the storm. Right now, it's just a waiting game to see if they have a house to go back to.

Praying for everyone down there.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 04:40 PM // 16:40   #17
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Good luck everyone >.<
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 04:48 PM // 16:48   #18
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God bless you all.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 10:37 PM // 22:37   #19
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If you look at hurricanes Charlie and Francis from last year and mark an "X" where the eye's crossed... that's where I lived. After Charlie came through (and Francis still coming) I landed a job in California and hauled buttocks. I've survived hurricanes, blizzards and nor'easters (Massachusetts), tornadoes (Kansas), earthquakes (the Nisqually quake in Washington a couple years back, was in Lacey...) even the mudslides in California last season (La Conchita) were 15 minutes down the road from where we are now.

Damn... I have just about all of it covered.

Today's forecast... 100% chance of weather.
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Old Aug 29, 2005, 10:38 PM // 22:38   #20
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A suggestion washington state it rains alot but that is why god invented buildings
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